Cyprinus carpio
The Common Carp was introduced from West Asia during the early 19th Century. Although they can reach up to 5 feet in length, those found in the Great Marsh of Fontenelle Forest are generally 2-3 feet long when mature. A young specimen, about 2 inches long, was found in the small pond at Camp Brewster (E). They lay up to 300,000 eggs at a time, but most of them are eaten by other animals or perish in other ways. Image (F) shows a common Carp gasping for air a common habit when feeding near the shore in the Spring. Carp are omnivorous, but prefer small crustaceans and other animals found on the bottom of the lakes.
The Common Carp can often be seen feeding and breaking the surface of the water in the Great Marsh of Fontenelle Forest, especially during the late spring.
Common Carp is raised in aquaculture around the world, especially in China where the yearly tonnage exceeds that of all other fish raised in captivity around the world. In Germany and in other Central European countries, a variety of Common Carp is raised in small ponds and considered a delicacy deep fried.
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is: Roland Barth.