Archytas sp.



This Tachinid fly is approximately 5/8 inch in length.  The head is tan with a sprinkling of black bristles.  The eyes are large and dark red.  The antennae are reddish with a single coarse, black bristle pointing upward.  The thorax is tan with some dark gray marks and black bristles.  The abdomen is a shiny blue-black color also with numerous black bristles.  The wings are a pale orange at the base with the remainder being clear.  The legs are black and hairy, and the tarsii are tan colored.  This fly was identified to the genus Archytas by volunteer experts at the BugGuide website.


The frequency of occurrence in this area is not yet known.  The individual shown here was photographed in Fontenelle Forest in early June.  


There are 14 species in the genus Archytas in North America.  In the larval stage Tachinids are parasitoids of other insects, but the most common hosts are caterpillars.  Most adult females deposit eggs directly on the body of the host.  Upon hatching, the larva burrows into the host and feeds internally.  When fully grown it leaves the host and pupates.

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Archytas sp.

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