Molorchus bimaculatus


This beetle is a small longhorn with short elytra that cover less than half of the abdomen. The elytra are light colored with the tips dark. There may also be dark areas along the bases opf the elytr. The pronotum is large and elongated. There are light colored spots on the prontum (the upper surface of the prothorax, the first segment of the thorax). This beetle is ¼ to 1/3 inch long.

This beetle was photographed on a service berry tree. The larva have been known to feed on dogwood and redbud blossoms among others. Its overall occurrence at FNA is not known.

This beetle is a member of the round necked long horn beetle subfamily. The pronotum is rounded and widest at the middle in this subfamily.

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Molorchus bimaculatus

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