family |
In biology - a group of closely related genera.
fascicle |
A bundle.
fascicles |
Plural of fascicle - a bundle.
femur |
In insects, the upper section of the leg closest to the thorax.
FF |
Fontenelle Forest
filament |
The thread-like stem of a stamen.
floret |
Small flowers crowding the head of a composite flower.
florets |
Plural of floret - small flowers crowding the head of a composite flower.
foliose |
In lichens, the type with a leaf-like structure, growing close to the substrate.
forb |
A flowering herb other than a grass.
fruiting body |
The conspicuous and familiar part of many fungi which contains the reproductive structures.
fruticose |
In lichens, the type having a bushy appearance which may also have branches.