tarsus |
(pl. tarsi) In insects, the part of the leg beyond the tibia including the tarsal claw (toes).
taxonomy |
The classification of organisms.
teeth |
In snails, raised bumps inside the shell's opening.
tendril |
A slender, twisting organ used by a plant to gain support.
tepal |
Used to describe sepals and petals when they are similar.
tepals |
Plural of tepal - used to describe both sepals and petals when similar.
thallus |
Plant body of liverworts.
thorax |
the body region of an insect just behind the head. It bears the legs and wings.
thorn |
A modified stem which terminates in a point.
thyrse |
A compact flower cluster, with each flower on its own stalk.
tibia |
the fourth segment of an insect’s leg between the femur and tarsus.
trifoliolate |
Three leaflets attached to the same leaf stalk.
tuber |
An enlarged, underground stem.
tympanum |
In frogs and toads, the round hearing organ on the sides of their heads.