samara |
A winged fruit.
samaras |
Plural of samara - a winged fruit.
scale |
When pertaining to sedges - a dry, thin bract associated with both male and female flowers.
scapulars |
The scapulars are the shoulders of the bird.
scutellum |
In insects, a triangular section on the dorsal surface of the thorax behind the pronotum.
secondaries |
The secondaries are the inner trailing feathers on the wing.
sepal |
A usually green leaf-like division of the calyx.
sepals |
Plural of sepal - a leaf-like division of the calyx.
sessile |
Not stalked.
seta |
When referring to mosses, the stalk which supports a capsule.
sheath |
That portion of a leaf which surrounds the stem of a grass or a sedge.
silique |
An elongated, dry fruit which splits in two at maturity.
sori |
Clusters of sporangia on ferns.
spatulate |
When pertaining to a leaf - spatula or spoon-shaped.
speculum |
The speculum is a small patch of iridescent feathers on the trailing edge of the inner portion of the wings.